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Professional Email Isn't Just for Professionals

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Key Takeaways


  • What is a professional email address? In simple terms, it's an email address featuring a business or domain name that matches your goals for your online presence.
  • A professional email account keeps you in touch with fellow enthusiasts and is accessible virtually anytime, anywhere with your laptop, smartphone or tablet.
  • can set you up with an affordable professional email plan plus additional online resources to help you make the most of your online experience. 



What is a Professional Email Address?

In many cases, a professional email address includes a business name and is used by company employees to contact customers and vendors. However, you don’t have to own a business to get a professional email account and the benefits that come with it. You can use your domain name that reflects your hobby or site topic as your email address. For example, [email protected] or [email protected].

A professional email address gives your communications a polished image and shows your customers they can trust you even if your website is just for fun and to share with others. A great time to secure a professional email account is when you are building your website. A good online resource provider can offer you a package deal that includes a web builder, website hosting and other features including professional email. 

Easy Access

A professional email account keeps you connected to your followers and friends and allows you to access your emails and files with any laptop, smartphone, tablet or internet-ready device. You can send and receive large attachments, such as photos and videos with others who share your interests and hobbies. 

You will also have plenty of storage to keep all of your email files and attachments in a highly organized digital space. Look for a professional email provider that offers a minimum of 15 GB of email storage so your email communications are never limited and you always have the data capacity you need.

Safe, Secure Communications

No one wants to see their email account hacked and cyber attacks are dramatically on the rise during the coronavirus pandemic. Online hackers are not only focusing their attacks on businesses, they are targeting individuals as well. Now more than ever, it is important to protect your website, email account and all of your data. 

A professional email account offers you security features like strong and intelligent filters to prevent you from receiving spam (a steady stream of unwanted emails) and phishing attacks (fake emails that look authentic and cause damage to your email account or website when you click on a fraudulent link). This added layer of security protection is typically available with a web hosting package that will give your website and email account a safe, secure home. Gives You More for Your Professional Email Investment can help you get set up with a professional email account but that’s only the beginning. You’ll get an email address that matches your domain name and provides added credibility to your email communications. You’ll also have access to an email hosting package that’s right for your needs and at a price that fits your budget.

Professional email packages are affordable, and it's easy to pick one based on your specific needs. also offers great web builder packages and web hosting services to get you up and running online. You can rely on our award-winning customer service team to support you every step of the way.

Get Connected with a Professional Email Account Today

It may be “just a hobby" but when it’s something you are truly passionate about you should make the most of it. A professional email address can help you do that by making it easy to stay in touch with other enthusiasts. At, we’re always here to help you get more from your online experience. Just let us know what you need.


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